San Giovanni Battista

Saint John the Baptist (San Giovanni Battista), also known as St. John the Forerunner, is an important religious figure in Christianity, particularly in Catholicism and Orthodoxy. He is considered a prophet and precursor to Jesus Christ.
According to the canonical Gospels of the New Testament in the Bible, John the Baptist was a Hebrew preacher and ascetic, the son of Elizabeth and Zechariah, and a relative of Jesus (though the exact details of their family connection are debated). John is primarily known for his ministry of baptizing people in the Jordan River, calling them to repentance and baptism in preparation for the "kingdom of heaven."
John is regarded as the forerunner of Jesus because, according to Christian tradition, he prepared the way for his ministry and identified him as the Messiah. John also baptized Jesus in the Jordan River, an event often referred to as the Baptism of Christ.
His life and ministry are primarily described in the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. John the Baptist is considered a saint by various Christian denominations, and his feast day, the Nativity of St. John the Baptist, is celebrated on June 24th.