If you go to the Chapel of San Giorgio, you can see the image of “Christ Crucified” that spoke to Saint Francis in the little church of San Damiano. The Saint was deep in prayer when he heard a voice saying “Francis, can’t you see my house is falling into ruins? Go and repair it”. Initially, Francis believed he was referring to the very old church of Porziuncola, which he immediately began repairing. Later, however, he understood that the message was much more profound, and was in fact an invitation to renew the real home of Jesus, the Church, and Francis thus proposed a return to the true spiritual values of the Church, compromised at the time by political struggles.
Take a look at the figure of Christ, crucified yet upright, alive and with his eyes open, signifying that he has defeated death. On the right of Christ, you can see Mary and Saint John: like all the other characters surrounding the cross, they do not seem sad, and are almost smiling, because they are taking part in what for Christians is the most important event in the history of mankind.