To the left of the Sedile, a part of the square was excavated in 1938 to bring to light part of the Roman Amphitheater, built between the 1st and 2nd century AD and discovered quite by chance in 1901 in an area that was built up towards the end of the 16th century.
The amphitheater measured 102 meters by 83, and could hold around 20,000 spectators. It was originally built on several levels, like the Colosseum, and was a magnificent edifice. The arena was eight meters below the present-day ground level; the central area covered in sand used mainly for gladiatorial combat and hunting displays.
Partly carved directly out of the tufa stone and partly built on robust arches, the amphitheater has been almost entirely lost, and the part still visible is the result of restoration. The openings in the tiers of seats, known as “vomitoria”, allowed spectators to enter the amphitheater from the passageways below the seating.