San Marcuola
Audio File length: 2.50

The Church of San Marcuola, or the Church of the Saints Ermagora and Fortunato, in Venice, in the Cannaregio district, is located opposite the Grand Canal, just in front of the Fontego dei Turchi. Built in the 12th century thanks to the Memmo and Lupanizza families, it was renovated by Antonio Gaspari in 1730 and completed by Giorgio Massari in 1736. The facade remained unfinished. The structure, originally Romanesque, features a single nave with a square plan. It houses artworks, including statues by Gaetano Susali and the Last Supper by Tintoretto, with a panel attributed to Paolo Veneziano depicting the Crucifixion with the Saints Mark the Evangelist, John the Baptist, Ermagora, and Fortunato.