CASA BATLLÓ, Casa Batlló

Hi, I'm James, your personal guide. Together with MyWoWo, I'd like to welcome you to one of the wonders of the world.
Today I'll accompany you through Casa Batlló, which is one of the most amazing places in Barcelona!
With its portico that looks like it's being held up by elephant feet, the façade that looks like stretched skin, the central window that looks like a whale's mouth, and a flamboyant roof that resembles the back of a prehistoric monster, Casa Batlló is undoubtedly one of the most extravagant creations of the Catalan Antoni Gaudí, who brilliantly solved the problem presented by a having a narrow, tall lot. But his aim was to design a building resembling a dragon in homage to St. George, the patron saint of Catalonia.
Your visit starts in the atrium, which Gaudí conceived as an underwater cavity, lit by skylights that resemble turtle shells. From here you go to the glittering inner courtyard: despite the small size of the building, which is narrow and deep, Gaudí managed to make it cheerful with an exuberant ceramic coating.
The staircase will fascinate you: the sinuous handrail in precious wood that leads you to the various floors almost looks like the spine of a prehistoric animal!
The large, almost 400 meter first floor apartment may lack furniture, but is equally unforgettable for the elements Gaudí has included: you'll certainly notice the three-panel window in the salon, the wavy ceiling, and the private courtyard with more ceramic decorations and colored glass.
After visiting the service rooms located in the attic with their rows of tilted arches that make you feel like you're in the belly of a whale, go out to the terrace on top, where Gaudi truly unleashed his imagination. In addition to the bizarre chimneys that are partially covered with ceramics, enjoy the glittering roof of iridescent tiles that arches like the scaly back of a legendary dragon.
FUN FACT: Gaudí hated being photographed. He was horrified by the forced immobility and the idea of having the image fixed onto the plate, and the lens' circular opening caused him absolute terror.
And with this we have finished our tour of Casa Batlló. MyWoWo thanks you for staying with us, and will see you at the next Wonder of the World!