RAMBLA, Boqueria

The Boqueria market is the most famous market in Barcelona, and lies at the midpoint of the Rambla. Its architecture, location, and picturesque merchants make it an unforgettable place, where you can also enjoy the delights of Catalan gastronomy!
The word Boqueria comes from "boc", which means "goat". In fact it seems that the animal's flesh was sold here as early as the year 1100 in an uncovered market that extended along the Rambla. When in the 1700s the avenue became the center of Barcelona life, the city decided to construct a building to house the market. The work began in 1836 at the point where the former convent of the barefoot Carmelites, called "Josepets" for their devotion to St. Joseph, stood. You might notice the words "San Joseph" written on the wrought iron entrance in memory of this, which is also the real name of the market, even though everyone calls it Boqueria.
Originally it was almost entirely a fish market, then flower stalls were added, and afterwards those of fruits and vegetables. But in the second half of the 1800s, the Boqueria gradually expanded and began to be organized, separating the different types of products into different areas. In 1914 the modernist metal architecture you see today was inaugurated.
Under its enormous pointed arch you'll find the best of Catalan gastronomy: shimmering tables of fish, multicolored fruits and vegetables, mountains of sweets, barrels overflowing with olives and vegetables, all sorts of cured meats hanging from hooks, and pyramids of cheeses.
FUN FACT: keep in mind that some of the vendors in the Boqueria have been there for three or four generations: they are the real stars here. So before you take a picture of a stall, always ask permission, and maybe buy something!