Hi, I'm Debbie, your personal guide. Together with MyWoWo, I'd like to welcome you to one of the wonders of the world.
Today I'll take you on a tour of the Museum Cerralbo, which is one of the most special collections of art in Madrid!
The beautiful stone and brick facade before you was originally the family home of Don Enrique de Aguilera y Gamboa, the seventeenth Marquis of Cerralbo, who also used the home to display the works of art that had been collected in his numerous trips through Europe. Today this beautiful, classical style building has become the home of the Museum Cerralbo.
Besides being an aristocratic politician, he was in fact both an archaeologist and a passionate collector. He decided that at his death nearly 100 years ago, he would donate not only his palace to the state, but also the countless treasures it contained, as long as the building was turned into a museum.
Now, turn right onto Calle Ventura Rodríguez, and enter through one of the two large twin oak doors which were originally intended for the coming and going of suppliers and those invited to the palace. Cross the ground floor to the "Great Door", where the imposing grand staircase begins.
Start your visit of the palace on the mezzanine floor, which was used by the noble owners for everyday life, while the first floor was used for receptions and official events.
First go to the gallery which exhibits paintings of religious subjects, and then go down into the lovely garden. Here, next to the central pond and in the shadow of the small hexagon-shaped temple with two floors, take a moment to relax while surrounded by busts of Roman emperors, Corinthian capitals, and carved boars.
FUN FACT: Cerralbo Palace also hosts various activities: there's even a dance school for teens that teaches dances of the past like the gallop, and those of today like hip hop.