PLAZA DE LA PAJA, Capilla Del Obispo
- Audio File length: 2.39
Language: English / USA
At the corner of Plaza de la Paja and Costanilla de San Andrés you'll see a gate: once you've walked up the steps and gone through the gate, you'll find yourself in a small cloister protected by large windows.
You're at the entrance to the beautiful Capilla de Nuestra Señora y de San Juan de Letran, which the people of Madrid call the "Capilla del Obispo". Outside it looks like a Renaissance-style granite building with the façade opening up at the top with a beautiful gallery with seven windows.
Crossing the beautiful Renaissance-style walnut door carved with scenes from the Bible, enter the silent beauty of this late Gothic-style chapel with a single nave, a polygonal end, and star-studded roof vaulting. Above the altar you can see the beautiful Renaissance masterpiece which is divided into three parts and depicts scenes from the life and passion of Christ....