SOANE MUSEUM, Hogarth First Part

And now take some time to admire the pièce de résistance of the collection: William Hogarth's paintings located in a separate, isolated room.
Hogarth was the founder of the English pictorial school of the 1700s and one of the most original and captivating artists of history for his skill in creating satirical scenes that you'll find surprisingly modern. Here you can admire the two canvas cycles that are considered his greatest masterpieces: the four scenes depicting the intrigues of a political campaign, and above all the eight episodes of A Rake's Progress, which dates back to the first half of the 18th century. Here Hogarth is a moody, ironic, and above all independent, narrator, free from any suggestions, prejudices, or patterns.
One by one, I will describe these small to medium-sized paintings that are regardless full of details: I suggest you study them for a long time, trying to discover their many bizarre secrets.
As a great lover of theater, the English painter constructed a real drama in eight scenes, giving the main figures a name and recognizable personality. The collector purchased the entire series for 598 pounds and 10 shillings, almost one hundred less than the previous owner had paid for it, who was an austere colonel that was probably outraged by their scandalous content.
Let's start with the first scene titled The Heir. The protagonist is Tom Rakewell, whose name already makes you understand his personality: rake means "libertine" but also "grab". The boy's rich and avaricious father has just passed away, who was even capable of hiding gold coins in the ceiling stucco, where a servant is now hanging the funeral drapes. You can see signs of the dead father's stinginess in every detail of the room: from the closet with old boots to the candles on the chimney that have been used up to the very last drop, from the skeletal cat to the avalanche of legal paperwork piled all over the battered desk.
While a zealous tailor takes the boy's measurements for a new suit and an administrator steals some coins, the youthful Sarah Young tearfully stands at the door, accompanied by her furious mother. Tom had gotten her pregnant and had promised to marry her. The young man awkwardly offers a handful of coins as compensation.
FUN FACT: in 1735 the "Hogarth Law" was passed, which established the prohibition of copying and reselling works by an author without his consent. It can be said that Hogarth himself invented the copyright!