TOWER OF LONDON, Introduction

Hi, I'm James, your personal guide. Together with MyWoWo, I'd like to welcome you to one of the wonders of the world.
Today I'll accompany you through the Tower of London, an authentic medieval castle in the heart of London!
Welcome to this ancient castle that stands on the remains of Roman military fortifications which were then reinforced by the Saxons. Located in a strategic position, the castle overlooks the river at the entrance to the city and dominates the port.
The castle gets its name from its oldest part, the White Tower that was built by William the Conqueror in 1078: it is a square fort with four corner towers and has had a chapel and a prison since its construction. The building was gradually enlarged around this nucleus, with additions up to the 1800s. Among the most visible additions, I'd like to point out Richard the Lionheart's moat that has since been drained, Henry VIII's circle of walls with round towers, and the Waterloo Barracks, the 19th-century barracks of the royal guard.
From 1100 to 1700 the Tower was used as a royal residence, and it is still a symbolic starting point for the royal family's ceremonies and processions.
On your tour you'll see the famous Crown Jewels: a fabulous collection of gems mounted on symbols of royal and imperial power which still make the Tower one of the symbols of British royalty.
You will enter from the Middle Tower, which is part of the third and outermost circle of fortifications. Crossing the meadow that replaced the former moat, you'll reach the Byward Tower, and from there the narrow inner courtyard called Outer Ward that surrounds the circle of twelve towers forming the castle's main fortification. You're now facing the Bell Tower, which got its name from the fact that every night a bell would toll to inform residents of the moment when the city gates were closed.
FUN FACT: you can visit the Tower with guides called Yeomen Warders, who are the special castle guard that was established in the 16th century. On special occasions, they also wear their unmistakable red uniforms and carry long halberds. They are also traditionally known as "Beefeaters" because of the particularly rich meals they eat!