FONTAINEBLEAU HOTEL, Fontainebleau Hotel

Hi, my name’s Jill, and I’m your personal guide. Along with MyWoWo, I’d like to welcome you to one of the Wonders of the World: the Fontainebleau Hotel.
The Fontainebleau is without doubt the most famous hotel in the city. It has appeared in so many films that it’s become a star itself.
A few examples? Goldfinger, an action film in which Sean Connery played the most famous secret agent of all time, begins with an aerial view of the Fontainebleau, accompanied by the song Into Miami, by John Barry. And who could forget the pool, the favorite spot of Tony Montana, alias Al Pacino, in the Brian de Palma movie Scarface? Or the moment Whitney Houston gets saved by Kevin Costner as she’s singing in The Bodyguard? All those scenes were shot here in this splendid hotel.
This striking complex is the result of a stroke of genius by Morris Lapidus, known as “the architect of the American dream”, in 1954.
Despite the restoration work carried out over the years, the hotel has never lost its original appearance. It is located right in the heart of the area known as “Millionaires’ Row”, and continues to be a universal emblem of the brash, confident America that emerged victorious from the Second World War.
The architectural style of this hotel could be defined as typically “American”, impossible to compare to any other and exclusively the brainchild of its creator. I also suggest you take a walk through the neighborhood, dotted with elegant, exclusive residential buildings, passing through the golf courses of Miami Beach. Beyond Collins Avenue, along the Indian Creek Canal, you’ll find numerous magnificent yachts and sailboats moored.
James Bond himself, at the start of Goldfinger, as he watches the people at the Fontainebleau having fun, exclaims “this is the life”.
If you’re lucky enough to stay here, you’ll be able to enjoy the exceptional luxury of the rooms, with breath-taking views over the ocean, marvelous restaurants, swimming pools surrounded by fantastic palm trees, and of course a private beach.
Let me leave you with an interesting fact: some of the figures regarding the Fontainebleau are sure to leave you speechless. The complex occupies an area of 9 hectares, with 7 floors and a total of 1504 rooms and suites.