CENTRAL PARK, Southern Part

In the southern part, you’ll find several bodies of water, including The Pond, the Conservatory Water and The Lake.
The comma-shaped Pond lies below sea level, so when you approach the edge, you’ll be struck by a pleasant sensation of silence. As you cross the Gapstow Bridge, one of the many different ones in the park, you’ll have the chance to take some breath-taking photos of the elegant buildings that look onto nearby Fifth Avenue.
The Conservatory Water, located beyond the Central Park Wildlife Center, the park’s little zoo, is oval in shape, and every day is invaded by hundreds of little sailboats, pushed into its calm waters by hundreds of aspiring little sailors: Hans Christian Andersen in person, seated on a bench, book in hand, seems to be watching over them while a little further ahead, you’ll find a statue of Alice in Wonderland having fun with her friends.
Nearby, you can also admire The Lake, clearly visible along with the monumental Bethesda Fountain, from above on the Bethesda Terrace. On the shore of this lake, you can also enjoy a romantic gourmet break in the elegant Loeb Boathouse, or in the more modest – and much less pricy - Bar & Grill.
In the southern part of the park, near The Lake, you’ll also find the tear-shaped Strawberry Fields, almost at the foot of the Dakota, the scene of John Lennon’s tragic murder, which draws millions of fans who pay homage to the star by laying flowers, candles or cards on the black and white mosaic, donated by Naples City Council and bearing the word “Imagine”.
AN INTERESTING FACT: if you get lost in Central Park, don’t panic! Find a lamppost and look at the number at the bottom: the first two numbers will tell you the nearest street, while the last two will tell you whether you’re on the east or west side of the park, depending on whether they’re odd or even.
Our visit to Central Park ends here. MyWoWo would like to thank you - see you again at another Wonder of the World!