Hi, I'm Ed, your personal guide. Together with MyWoWo, I'd like to welcome you to one of the wonders of the world.
Today I'll take you through a tour of Merchant's Square.
Unfortunately, Merchant's Square is the least well-known medieval jewel of Milan!
From Cathedral Square, Merchant's Square can be reached in just a few minutes. You'll be pleasantly surprised: it is a medieval corner of the city that has been miraculously preserved.
You may have even walked past it without noticing it, because it doesn't immediately jump out at you, nor is it valued as it deserves to be. Up until the second half of the nineteenth century it was entirely enclosed by palaces of various ages and styles, forming a sort of large, independent courtyard that was distinctly separated from the nearby Cathedral Square. Important functions for the city's civic life were held here: justice was administered here, and it was the gathering place for the merchants' guilds. The arches that gave access to the square were directly aligned with Milan's six main gates.
To facilitate passing from the Cathedral to Sforza Castle, two of these access arches were demolished, which rendered the square more open, but stole away some of its medieval charm. Although it is now separate, you can admire Giureconsulti Palace, a beautiful Renaissance palace that was formed by incorporating various remains of previous constructions, which even include a tower from the 1200s.
But the square's main jewel is easily identifiable for its robust portico: it is the Palace of Reason, also called "Broletto Nuovo", because "Broletto" was the name used in the past for spaces where town meetings were held. In fact, the Palace of Reason is the main medieval civic building in Milan, and once stood at the center of the square. It dates back to the first half of the thirteenth century, and as you can see is entirely surrounded by stone arches that form a large covered area.
You can also go to the upper floor of the palace, where you'll find a very large hall that is used as a venue for exhibitions, mainly photographic ones.
FUN FACT: the portico of Merchant's Square produces a special echo. Stand right next to a pillar and whisper something. Anyone who is underneath another pillar, even if not nearby, will be able to hear you clearly.